End of Term Arrangements

16th June 2020

It is hard, at times, to imagine that if things had been different our time together would only now be drawing to a close in the coming weeks with the excitement of Sport's Day and Graduation. To still allow the children and families to capture the joy of these events Home Learning this week focus on ideas to celebrate all the children and all their achievements; all be it in their own homes.

With regard to 'end of term' arrangements Transition Reports and any cloakroom belongings will be available for collection by a parent on Monday 29th June and Tuesday 30th June from 10am - 12 noon.

Please return any Big Bed Time Read Book Bags and loaned resources too.

If you could share this information with folks who also attend Dungannon Nursery School it would be very much appreciated.

Details of which day and time a parent should attend are as follows -

Mrs. Hudson's Class Monday 10am to 11am and Tuesday 11am to 12noon

Mrs. Allen's Class Monday 11am to 12 noon and Tuesday 10am to 11am

If you plan to drive to school, please wait in your car and staff will bring your Transition Report and belongings over to you.

If you plan to walk up to school please queue along the entrance ramp at the 2m intervals until you are called forward to the porch to receive your Transition Report and belongings.

Please follow Public Health Agency advice at all times.