Special Event

24th June 2020

As you know we have asked parents to collect their child's school report/belongings and return book bags next Monday and Tuesday.

Although restrictions have eased we are sorry that we not able to celebrate the end of the nursery year altogether with you and your child as we usually would.

At the end of August we will very much look forward to inviting all the children and their families back to Dungannon Nursery School to have a proper celebration party with staff.

In the meantime if you and your child come to school next Monday or Tuesday there are some other special things arranged for the children.

Please ensure that you arrive at your allocated time slot. This will help everyone to stay safe and have an enjoyable experience.

Details of which day and time you should attend are as follows -

Mrs. Hudson's Class Monday 10am to 11am First names beginning letter A to K only

Mrs. Hudson's Class Tuesday 11am to 12noon First Names beginning letter L to Z only

Mrs. Allen's Class Monday 11am to 12 noon First names beginning letter A to K only

Mrs. Allen's Class Tuesday 10am to 11am First Names beginning letter L to Z only

If you plan to drive to school, please wait in your car and staff will bring your Transition Report and belongings over to you.

If you plan to walk up to school please queue along the entrance ramp at the 2m intervals until you are called forward to the porch to receive your Transition Report and belongings.

Please follow Public Health Agency advice at all times to keep you, your child and staff safe.